Planting material of forest trees according to the cultivation method
Free-rooting planting material
Container-rooted planting material in planters with a volume of up to 1.5 liters, grown on air cushions
Container-rooted planting material in other packaging (RCK, containers with a volume over 1.5 liters and others)
Sorting, packaging, loading and transporting forest tree planting material
All supplied planting material is manually sorted according to the parameters given by ČSN 482115
If the container-rooted planting material is shipped with returnable packaging (planters), the customer undertakes to return them to the nursery within the period specified on the delivery note or invoice. In the event of non-compliance with the return deadline or the packaging demonstrates significant damage, a contractual penalty of a specified amount will be charged for the packaging.
The packing and loading of the planting material onto the means of transport is provided by the forest nursery at its own expense.
The transport of planting material is usually arranged by customers themselves or through their carriers. Upon agreement, transport can be provided by the supplier (forest nursery) for a contractual price.
Accompanying documentation and marking of planting material
Forest tree planting material for forestry purposes is marked in accordance with the Act on the Trade in Forest Tree Reproductive Material, No. 149/2003 Coll., and bears a Certificate of Origin or Cover Letter.
According to the Phytosanitary Care Act, No. 326/2004 Coll., the phytosanitary certificate is part of the accompanying documentation.
At the customer's request, the planting material is marked with labels. The price of the label is CZK 0.50 / item without VAT.
Price of planting material
Prices are set for the standard quality of planting material in CZK for 1 item, without VAT (VAT according to valid legislation) and relate to the point of collection (forest nursery)
The price includes packaging and loading onto the means of transport
The price does not include the cost of any chemical treatment of the planting material (gelling and other)
The chemical treatment of seedlings is done at the customer's request. The price for one chemical treatment is determined by a surcharge of 5% of the price of the seedlings.
The price of a small number of seedlings - less than 100 in quantity - is determined by the retail price list in CZK / item without VAT.
Payment of collected planting material
The collected seedlings are paid for by the customer in cash or by bank transfer with a normal maturity of 14 days from the date of issue of the invoice, unless otherwise agreed.
The purchase of seedlings worth up to CZK 5,000 is usually paid by the customer in cash when picking up the planting material.
The planting material becomes the property of the buyer after the full payment of the invoice.
Ordering planting material
The customer will send the order by email or in writing to the address of the head of the forest nursery center. We also accept telephone orders, which are recorded in writing.
The order must include the following:
Company name or customer name, address, ID number
Planting material: woody plant, method of cultivation, height, quantity
Intended use: for forestry purposes (indicate natural forest area (PLO) and forest vegetation stage (LVS)), for other purposes
Transport request
Method of payment (invoicing address and address for sending the invoice if different, due date)
Delivery date (in what timeframe is the customer willing to pick up the seedlings)
After review, the order is confirmed by the head of the forest nursery center or delegated representative and the confirmed order is sent to the customer
If the customer cancels a confirmed order for planting material, they may be charged a cancellation fee of up to 50% of the value of the uncollected seedlings (depending on timeliness and the volume)
If we do not deliver the planting material in the confirmed order, we will replace this planting material with a similar material or the right planting material will be expedited. This will always be discussed in advance with the customer and an agreement on replacement performance will be drawn up.
DVOŘÁK LESY, SADY, ZAHRADY (FORESTS, ORCHIDS, GARDENS) will immediately inform the customer if it finds out that it is unable to complete the confirmed order in its entirety.
Collecting the planting material
The date for collecting the planting material shall be agreed upon by the customer and head of the forest nursery center or delegated representative on the basis of a confirmed order.
Handing over the planting material
The handing over of the planting material between the supplier and customer is usually done in the forest nursery, before or during the loading of it onto the means of transport. It is understood that the person who picks up the planting material and acts on behalf of the customer is duly instructed in the treatment and handling of the planting material and is authorized and empowered to receive this planting material.
An employee of the forest nursery hands over the planting material on behalf of the supplier
During the handover, the number of seedlings and species and type composition are mutually agreed upon, the quality of the sorting and possible obvious defects and diseases are randomly assessed, and the price is verified according to the valid price list of the planting material.
A random quality control check of the collected planting material is done on 0an analyzed sample of at least 200 items. The number of analyzed samples is determined in accordance with the homogeneity and size of the evaluated set. One sample can be taken from a maximum of 50,000 items of shipped planting material.
A standard set of planting material is considered to be one that does not contain more than 5% of non-standard individual plants. 95% of individual plants in the group must meet all the essential parameters. Individual plants that do not meet more than 2 parameters are excluded.
If the proportion of non-standard individual plants in the analyzed sample is found to be higher than 5%, a new sample of the same size is selected; if a higher proportion of non-standards is again found, the whole delivery is considered non-standard and must be resorted. If there is no higher proportion of non-standards in the second sample, the whole delivery is considered standard.
The handover of the planting material is completed by the signature of the accepting person on the Certificate of Origin, Cover Sheet or delivery note.
If the customer or their authorized representative fail to come to the place of delivery for the handover of the seedlings, or if a carrier is entrusted to pick up the planting material (and the carrier does not file a complaint on the spot), the planting material is considered to have been accepted without any obvious defects.
DVOŘÁK LESY, SADY, ZAHRADY guarantees the quality and parameters of the supplied seedlings according to the relevant provisions of Decree 29/2004 Coll., unless otherwise agreed in writing
Complaints about obvious defects shall be resolved during the handover of the seedlings (see section 9 - Handing over the planting material).
Complaints about hidden defects are accepted in writing within 60 days of receiving the planting material at the point of collection (forest nursery). The customer must prove that the collected planting material has been handled in such a way that causes no damage to it. A legitimate complaint will be resolved by a replacement delivery of seedlings in the near future by agreement of both parties. The forest nursery will comment on complaints about hidden defects within 30 days of the written application.
Force majeure
The forest nursery center is not liable for any complaints relating to the non-delivery of planting material if this has occurred for climatic or natural reasons or was caused by an accident or for any other reasons beyond our control.